Born in 1992 in Hallein/Austria, Koloman Wagner is a sculptor, painter and composer based in Regensburg/Germany.
Koloman Wagner discovered his passion for drawing and working with form as a child at the Canary Islands/Spain. In 2012, he received a scholarship for juniour artists at the Bad Reichenhall Art Academy. From 2014 to 2019 Koloman Wagner studied physics followed by a doctorate at the University of Regensburg and Technical University of Dresden. Koloman Wagner's works have been presented in national and international exhibitions in galleries, art associations, museums and art fairs and have been awarded several prizes.
2024, BEST WORK, Chianciano Biennale 2024, Chianciano Art Museum Prize (Italy)
2024, Art Prize 'bewegt', Förderkreis Kunst und Kulturraum Erkrath e. V. (Germany)
2024, 31. Aichacher Kunstpreis (Publikumspreis), Kunstverein Aichach e. V.
2024, 6th Weißenburger Art Prize (3rd), City of Weißenburg (Germany)
2024, Nomination for the 7th International André-Evard-Prize, Messmer Foundation (Germany)
2024, Nomination for the 13th Art Prize Wesseling, Kunstverein Wesseling e. V. (Germany)
2023, Art Prize 97th Annual Show, Kunst- und Gewerbeverein Regensburg (Germany)
2023, 4th Art Prize of the City of Günzburg (3rd), Off-Art Kunstverein e. V. (Germany)
2023, Boomer Art Prize (Preselected Artist), Boomer Art Gallery London (UK)
2012, Scholarship for Junior Artists, Art Academy Bad Reichenhall (Germany)
2012, Special Award 'Migration', Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (Germany)
2024, Chianciano Biennale, Museo d'Arte di Chianciano Terme, Chianciano Terme (Italy)
2024, 7th International André Evard Prize, Kunsthalle Messmer, Riegel a. K. (Germany)
2024, Große Ostbayerische Kunstausstellung, Kunst- u. Gewerbeverein, Regensburg (Germany)
2024, Geschichtet (Solo), Holzknechtmuseum, Ruhpolding (Germany)
2024, 98. Jahresschau, Kunst- und Gewerbeverein, Regensburg (Germany)
2024, Art Austria, Bakerhouse Gallery, MuseumsQuartier, Vienna (Austria)
2024, 31. Aichacher Kunstpreis, SanDepot Halle, Aichach (Germany)
2024, Drunter und Drüber, Kulturzentrum Schwinger Hof, Wesseling/Cologne (Germany)
2024, bewegt, KunsTHaus Erkrath, Erkrath (Germany)
2024, 6. Weißenburger Kunstpreis, Kunstschranne, Weißenburg (Germany)
2024, Zeitspuren (Duo exhibition), Caritas-Krankenhaus St. Josef, Regensburg (Germany)
2024, Pop! Art arount the world, Bakerhouse Gallery, Graz (Austria)
2024, Bakerhouse Gallery Pop Up, Alpinresort Sacher, Seefeld/Tirol (Austria)
2023, Art Austria Highlights, Bakerhouse Gallery, Eislaufverein, Vienna (Austria)
2023, Kinematomy (Solo), Alte Wache, Traunstein (Germany)
2023, Bewegung, Heimatmuseum Günzburg, Günzburg (Germany)
2023, 97. Annual Show, Kunst- und Gewerbeverein Regensburg, Regensburg (Germany)
2023, Kunst am Attersee, Atterseehalle, Attersee (Austria)
2023, Berge, Schlossökonomie, Grabenstätt am Chiemsee (Germany)
2023, The XMAS Group Show, Bakerhouse Gallery, Graz (Austria)
2016, Koloman Wagner, Kleine Galerie, Waging am See (Germany)
2016, Waldesrauschen, Schlossökonomie, Grabenstätt am Chiemsee (Germany)
2014, Urban Impressions (Duo exhibition), Schlossökonomie, Grabenstätt (Germany)
2025, Die reine Form - andré-evard Preis 2025, kunst:art 101, Jan. - Febr. 2025
2024, Bildhauer und Künstler Koloman Wagner im Interview , Bakerhouse Gallery Podcast, Spotify, Buzzsprout, Apple
2024, Kunstpreis: Zerstörtes Werk gewinnt den Publikumspreis, Brigitte Glas, Augsburger Allgemeine
2024, Obwohl "Galactic Symphony" auseinander brach - Der Aichacher Publikumspreis geht an einen Bildhauer aus Regensburg, Karolina Wojdyla, Mittelbayerische Zeitung
2024, Ein Zeichen der Hoffnung, Karolina Wojdyla, Aichacher Zeitung
2024, Aichacher Publikumspreis geht an Bildhauer aus Regensburg, K. Wojdyla, Donaukurier
2024, Bewegte Bilder im Kunsthaus Erkrath, Lokalanzeiger Erkrath
2024, Ausstellung „Bewegt“ zum bundesweiten Wettbewerb, Ria Garcia,
2024, Überregionoale Strahlkraft, Ina Brechenmacher, Weißenburger Tagblatt
2024, Ausstellung „Zeitspuren“ im Caritas-Krankenhaus St. Josef eröffnet, Regensburger Nachrichten
2024, Von Malerei bis Fotografie und Installation: Ostbayerns Kunst in 108 Facetten, Peter Pavlas, Mittelbayerische Zeitung
2024, Jahresschau 2024 des Kunst- und Gewerbevereins eröffnet, Regensburger Tagebuch
2023, Kunst- und Gewerbeverein kürt Koloman Wagner, Katharina Kellner, Mittelbayerische Zeitung
2023, U40-Preis des Kunst- und Gewerbevereins in Regensburg verliehen, Bettina Dostal, Regensburger Zeitung
2023, Kunst- und Gewerbeverein Regensburg präsentiert neue Jahresschau und Preisträger , TVaktuell
2023, Schicht für Schicht findet er zur Form, Katharina Kellner, Mittelbayerische Zeitung
2023, Die Grenzen des Raums ausloten, Bettina Dostal, Regensburger Zeitung
2023, Laudatio Kunstpreis U40 / 2023, Kirsten Remky, Kunst- und Gewerbeverein Regensburg e. V.
2023, Kinematomy - Die Anatomie der Bewegung, Markus Müller, Traunsteiner Tagblatt
2023, Komplexe Überlegungen aus der Physik und künstlerische Ästhetik, Axel Effner, Traunsteiner Tagblatt
2023, Kunstpreis im Heimatmuseum verliehen, Gertrud Adlassing, Augsburger Allgemeine
2023, Koloman Wagner und seine „Liebeserklärung an die Natur“, Markus Müller, Chiemgau Zeitung
2021, Versatile way of expression, Interview, Luxury Splash of Art, Iss. 5, S. 39 - 44
2016, Der Wald in all seinen Facetten, Markus Müller, Berchtesgadener Anzeiger
2016, Ein begnadeter Zeichner stellt in Waging aus, Hans Eder, Traunsteiner Nachrichten
2016, Detailgetreue Porträts und leuchtstarke Gemälde, Hans Eder, Berchtesgadener Anzeiger
2016, Koloman Wagner stellt in Grabenstätt aus, M. Müller, Traunsteiner Tagblatt
2014, Sehenswerte Gemälde und feine Drechselarbeiten, M. Müller, Traunsteiner Tagblatt
2024, "Koloman Wagner: Geschichtet - Holzknechtmuseum Ruhpolding", exhibition catalogue, Koloman Wagner, ISBN: 978-3-9826609-1-2 , download PDF
2024, "Koloman Wagner Formzyklus - Fotografien von Peter Burgeff", Koloman Wagner and Peter Burgeff, ISBN: 978-3-9826609-0-5, download PDF
2024, "Koloman Wagner & Matthias Kronseder: Zeitspuren", exhibition catalogue, Koloman Wagner and Matthias Kronseder download PDF
2023, "Koloman Wagner: Kinematomy", exhibition catalogue, Koloman Wagner, download PDF
2023, "Koloman Wagner: Berge", exhibition catalogue
2024, Ouroboros, exhibition catalogue „97. Jahresschau 2023“, p. 136f, Kunst- und Gewerbeverein Regensburg e. V.
2024, Boomerang, exhibition catalogue "Chianciano Biennale 2024", p. 194, ICAC Art Critics/Chianciano Art Museum
2024, Carousel, exhibition catalogue "Bewegt", p. 56-57, Förderkreis Kunst und Kulturraum Erkrath e. V.
2024, Boomerang, exhibition catalogue "Große Ostbayerische Kunstausstellung, p. 98, Berufsverband Bildender Künstlerinnen und Künstler Niederbayern/Oberpfalz e. V.
2024, Kaleidoskop, exhibition catalogue "Drunter & Drüber", 13. Kunstpreis Wesseling, p. 34, Kunstverein Wesseling e. V.
2023, Kinematomy, exhibition catalogue "Bewegung - 4. Kunstpreis der Stadt Günzburg", Off-Art Kunstverein
2023, Jonglage, exhibition catalogue „97. Jahresschau 2023“, p. 108 – 109, Kunst- und Gewerbeverein Regensburg e. V.
2021, About the outstanding role of art in the creation of worldviews, Luxury Splash of Art, Iss. 4s
2023, Diffusion of Excitons in a Two-Dimensional Fermi Sea of Free Charges, Koloman Wagner et al, Nano Lett. 14, 23 (11), S. 4708-4715
2021, Nonclassical Exciton Diffusion in Monolayer WSe2, Koloman Wagner et al, Phys. Rev. Lett., 127(7), 076801
2020, Autoionization and Dressing of Excited Excitons by Free Carriers in Monolayer WSe2, Koloman Wagner et al, Phys. Rev. Lett., 125(26), 267401
2022, Electron recoil effect in electrically tunable MoSe2 monolayers, Jonas Zipfel & Koloman Wagner et al, Phys. Rev. B, 105, 075311
2021, Non-equilibrium diffusion of dark excitons in atomically thin semiconductors, Roberto Rosati, Koloman Wagner et al, Nanoscale, 13, 19966–19972
2021, Dark exciton-exciton annihilation in monolayer WSe2, Daniel Erkensten, …, Koloman Wagner et al, Phys. Rev. B, 104, L241406
2021, Spectral asymmetry of phonon sideband luminescence in monolayer and bilayer WSe2, Victor Funk, Koloman Wagner et al, Phys. Rev. Research, 3, L042019
2020, Temporal Evolution of Low-Temperature Phonon Sidebands in Transition Metal Dichalcogenides, Roberto Rosati, …, Koloman Wagner et al, ACS Photonics, 7(10), 2756–2764
2020, Light-matter coupling and non-equilibrium dynamics of exchange-split trions in monolayer Ws2, Jonas Zipfel, ..., Koloman Wagner et al, J. Chem. Phys., 153, 034706
30.11.2024 - 23.02.2025 // >>7th International André-Evard-Prize<<
International prize exhibition at Kunsthalle Messmer (Germany)
Opening: November 29, 7 pm
More information at
06. - 08.12.2024 // >>Wine and Art<<
Group exhibition at Weingut Kodolitsch (Austria)
You are cordially invited to a very special artistic and culinary experience at the renowned Kodolitsch winery in Styria, where I will be exhibiting a selection of my wooden sculptures together with works by JÖRG SCHLICK and PETER KALKHOF.
Address: Weingut Kodolitsch, Kodolitschweg 9, A-8430 Leibnitz
More information:
14.09. - 20.10.2024 // >>98. Annual Show<<
Group exhibition at Art and Trade Association Regensburg (Germany)
I am very pleased to have been juried into the 98th annual show of the Kunst- und Gewerbeverein Regensburg this year with my sculpture “Ouroboros” (2024). The vernissage will take place on Friday, September 13 from 7 pm. More information at
15.09 - 20.10.2024 // >>31. Aichacher Kunstpreis<<
Prize exhibition at the SanDepot-Halle Aichach (Germany)
I am very honored to be selected with a one of my sculptures for this year's edition of the 31. art prize of Aichach. The opening and award cerenomy will be on Sunday, September 25 at 3 pm.
Organizer: City of Aichach and Sparkasse Aichach-Schrobenhausen
in collaboration with the art association Aichach (Kunstverein Aichach e.V).
Address: SanDepot, Donauwörther Str. 36, Aichach
More information:
01. - 29.09.2024 // >>Drunter & Drüber<<
Prize exhibition at the Städtische Galerie Wesseling (Germany)
The opening and award ceremony will take place on Sunday, September 1 at 3 pm in the Scheunen Galerie at Schwingeler Hof in Wesseling.
Address: Kulturzentrum Schwinger Hof, Scheunen Galerie, Schwingelerweg 44-46, 50389 Wesseling. More information:
27.09.2024 // >>7 Years Bakerhouse Gallery<<
Group exhibition with book presentation, Graz (Austria)
More information at
01.06. - 31.08.2024 // >>Geschichtet<<
Solo exhibition at the Holzknechtmuseum Ruhpolding (Germany)
The Holzknechtmeuseum in Ruhpolding, which was awarded the Bavarian Museum Prize in 2023, is one of the cultural hotspots of the Chiemgau. From 1 June up to and including 31 August 2024, a comprehensive solo exhibition with my wood sculptures and drawings will be presented as part of a special exhibition entitled "Geschichtet - Neue Perspektiven auf den Werkstoff Holz".
The special exhibition is included in museum admission and is open from Tuesday to Sunday between 10am and 5pm.
More information:
03. - 18.08.2024 // >>Chianciano Biennale 2024<<
International Biennale (Italy)
The 8th edition of the Chianciano Biennale presents 150 artists contemporary art in one of the most dynamic contemporary art competitions and celebrations in the world. The exhibition unites talented established and emerging artists in the world of contemporary art under a single umbrella. The 13 art galleries located in Medieval Chianciano and the Chianciano Art Museum offer breathtaking venues for a wonderful and inspiring experience of international art.
More information:
19. - 31.07.2024 // >>Die Gute Form<<
Exhibition of the carpenters' journeyman's pieces at the Volksbank Raiffeisenbank Regensburg-Schwandorf (Germany)
25.05. - 15.06.2024 // >>6. Weißenburg Art Prize<<
Prize exhibition at the Kunstschranne Weißenburg (Germany)
The Weißenburg Art Prize is now being awarded for the sixth time. Exhibition from 25.05.2024 - 15.06.2024
Opening: Saturday, May 25, 11 am
Guided tour with Prof. Köppel from Eichstätt at June 6, 7 pm
Price ceremony: Saturday, June 15, 4 pm
More information:
07.06.2024 // >>La Fete de l' Art<<
Group exhibition at Bakerhouse Gallery, Graz (Austria)
"La Fete de l´Art" - der Kunst-Sommer startet mit uns!
Artists: Irina Biatturi, Lucia Riccelli, Patrizia Casagranda, Tom Lohner, The Art of Josef Florian Krichbaum, Monsieur Schabernack, Tamara Kolb, Marion Rauter, Asma Kocjan, Tom Wenzl, Feromontana
Sculpture: Koloman Wagner, Julia Hanzl, Takashi Murakami
Photography: Wolfgang Gangl
The exhibition will be opened on Friday, June 7 at 6 pm in the Bakerhouse Gallery. In addition to wine tasting, culinary delights and live music, we look forward to dancing, laughing and celebrating the beauty of art with you!
More information:
28.02. - 25.05.2024 // >>Time Traces<<
Duo exhibition at North Wing St. Josephs, Regensburg (Germany)
„Time traces“ - Kolomann Wagner & Matthias Kronseder
The exhibition will take place at the north wing of the Caritas hospital St. Josef in Regensburg.
Welcome speech: Priv.-Doz. Dr. med. Sylvia Pemmerl, Geschäftsleitung und Medizinisch-Ärztliche Direktorin
Introduction: Koloman Wagner
Music: Jan David Wagner (Piano)
The exhibition is open until 01.05.2024 from 8 am to 6 pm
Guided exhibition tour: Sunday 24th March at 2:30 pm
13.04. - 19.05.2024 // >>GOK 2024<
Grop exhibition at the Kunst- und Gewerbeverein Regensburg (Germany).
Opening: Friday, April 12 at 7 pm
Welcome by:
Dr. Georg Haber - 1st Chairman Kunst- und Gewerbeverein Regensburg e. V. Patron
Wolfgang Dersch - Cultural Officer of the City of Upper Palatinate
Georg Tassev - 1. Chairman BBK Niederbayern/Oberpfalz e. V.
Opening hours: Tuesday to Sunday from 12 to 6 pm. Admission: regular 4 EUR, reduced 2 EUR (senior citizens, pupils); free admission for members, art pupils and students.
Kunst- und Gewerbeverein Regensburg e. V., Ludwigstraße 6, 93047 Regensburg
25. - 28.04.2024 // >>Art Austria<<
Art Fair, Vienna (Austria).
Together with the Bakerhouse Gallery I am pleased to invite you to the Art Austria at the MuseumsQuartier in Vienna! In addition to works by Damien Hirst, Ai Weiwei and many other renowned artists from Austria and around the world, some of my wood sculptures and drawings will be on display.
Preview and opening: 25th April 2024
More information:
6. - 21.04.2024 // >>bewegt<<
Group exhibition at the KunsTHaus Erkrath (Germany)
Opening: 06.04.2024, 3 pm
Welcome speech:
Christoph Schultz
and announcement of the Jury's Art Price
Finissage: 21.04.2024, 3:30 pm
Lecture „Über das Gehen“
Roswitha Müller-Krüger
Thursday: 18.04.2024 9 pm
15.03.2024 // >>Pop! Art around the world<<
Group exhibition at the Bakerhouse Gallery (Austria).
Opening 6 pm with art by:
Austria: Tom Lohner / Peter Tauber / Feromontana / Monsieur Schabernack
Germany: Jörg Döring / Sebastian Krüger
UK: Lewis Blake / Patrick Hughes / Damien Hirst / Banksy
France: Irina Biatturi / Patrick Rubinstein
Italy: Lucia Riccelli
Spain: Felipe Pantone / PichiAvo
Photography Special:
Wolfgang Gangl / Gregory Crewdson / J.R.
Sculptures by Julia Hanzl & Koloman Wagner
13.01.2024 // >>Bakerhouse Gallery Pop Up<<
Group exhibition at Alpinresort Sacher, Seefeld (Austria)
01.12. - 31.12.2023 // >>The XMAS Group Show<<
Group exhibition at the Bakerhouse Gallery (Austria)
No pre-Christmas season without a traditional vernissage.
The Bakerhouse Gallery is ringing in December in style and, as always, presenting you with the best of the best. The Christmas group exhibition with Tom Lohner, Lewis Blake, Jörg Döring, Tamara Kolb, Peter Tauber, Lucia Riccelli, Patrick Rubinstein, Carola Deutsch, Patrick Hughes, Josef Florian Krichbaum Asma Kocjan, Agostina Suazo, Monsieur Schabernack, Shepard Fairey, Yoshitomo Nara, Damien Hirst, Takashi Murakami, Koloman Wagner, Julia Hanzl, Barana Saadat, Joyce Pensato, Daniel Engelberg, Javier Calleja, Marion Rauter, Connor Brothers & Stefan Kreiger. The new BMW iX1 from Autohaus Reiterer in the Tom Lohner design will also be presented on this evening!
Beginning: 6 pm
Adress: Bakerhouse Galery, Herrgottswiesgasse 125, 8020 Graz (Austria)
Opening hours: Tuesday - Friday 2 - 6 pm
Special opening: Suterday, 16. Decembre, 10 am - 2 pm.
25.11. - 01.12.2023 // >>Kinematomy<<
Solo exhibition at the Alte Wache in Traunstein (Germany).
The solo exhibition at the Alte Wache in Traunstein will feature several large-scale wood sculptures and drawings from 2020 - 2023. Among others, the award-winning sculpture "Jonglage" will be on display.
Vernissage: Saturday, 25.11.2023, 7 pm.
Finissage: Friday, 1.12.2023 from 2 pm.
Opening hours: daily (except 27.11.) 9 am - 12 pm and 4 pm - 6 pm
open until 7 pm on 1.12. (opening of the Christkindlmarkt on Traunstein town square)
Address: Alte Wache Traunstein, Stadtplatz 39, 83278 Traunstein
19.09. - 26.11.2023 // >>Movement<<
Art prize exhibition 4. Kunstpreis der Stadt Günzburg (Germany).
I am very happy that I was awarded with the 3rd price of the Art Prize of the City of Günzburg 2023 with one of my sculptures. The exhibition opening and award ceremony will take place on 19 September from 7 pm. The works of a total of 550 applicants from the disciplines of painting, graphics, multimedia and sculpture, which have been selected by the jury, will be on display until 26 November. Further information under
21.10. - 04.11.2023 // >>Mountains<<
Solo exhibition at the Schlossökonomie in Grabenstätt (Germany).
Oil and acrylic paintings on the theme of "Mountains".
The exhibition will open on 21 October at 7 pm with an introduction by Veit Iblacker and piano music played by Jan David Wagner.
Opening hours:
Mo-Fr: 9-12 am and Thursday: 14-16 pm
Fr - Su: 14-18 pm
Address: Schlossstraße 17, 83355 Grabenstätt am Chiemsee
27.09. - 01.10.2023 // >>Art Austria Highlights 2023<<
Art fair in Vienna (Austria).
For the first time I am exhibiting at the international art fair "Art Austria Highlights 2023" in Vienna with the Bakerhouse Gallery. I will present selected wood sculptures and drawings from my series "Kinematomy". For more information see
16.09. - 15.10.2023 // >>97th Annual Show<<
Art prize exhibition in Regensburg (Germany).
I am very happy that I was awarded with the Art Prize of this year's 97th annual show of the Kunst- und Gewerbeverein Regensburg. The opening and award ceremony will take place on 15 September 2023 from 7.00 pm. The exhibition will then be open until 15 October. Location, opening hours and further information under
14. - 26.08.2023 // >>Kunst am Attersee<<
Group Exhibition in Attersee (Austria).
Several selected sculptures and drawings will be presented at "Kunst am Attersee" from mid-August with the Bakerhouse Gallery from Graz. The opening will take place on Tuesday, 14. August 2023 at 6:30 pm. Further information at
Kleine Galerie // Waging am See (Germany)
Permanent gallery presentations.
Presentation of selected paintings and drawings at the 'Kleine Galerie' (Salzburger Str. 12, 83329 Waging am See, Germany).
Museum Lettl // Stein a. d. Traun (Germany)
Permanent exhibition.
Permanent exhibition of selected drawings in the Hunting Museum Lettl (83301 Stein an der Traun, Germany).
12. - 14. October 2018 // >>Women Artists<<
Solo exhibition at the Kulturkeller Surheim (Germany)
08. - 22. October 2016 // >>Koloman Wagner<<
Solo exhibition at the Kleine Galerie in Waging am See (Germany).
08. May 2016 // >> Artist portrait<<
Matinee with Hans Leonhardt in Grabenstätt (Germany).
A contemplation by Hans Leonhardt and piano music from Debussy, Chopin and Tschaikowsky played by Jan David Wagner.
Sunday, 8th May; 11 o'clock; Schlossökonomie Grabenstätt, Schlossstraße 17, 83355 Grabenstätt
06. - 16. May 2016 // >>Forest Swoosh<<
Solo exhibition at the Schlossökonomie in Grabenstätt (Germany).
Oil and Acrylic paintings from 2015 and 2016 by Koloman Wagner.
The exhibition will be openend on Thursday, 8th May at 18:00 o'clock. Musical accompaniment will be arranged by Jan David Wagner at the piano.
Opening times:
Mo-Fr: 9-12 o'clock aswell as Mo-Th: 14-16 o'clock, Sa/Su: 14-17 o'clock.
During May market-Sunday (May 8) from 11 o'clock and on Whitmonday: 14-16 o'clock.
13. - 28. September 2014 // >>Urban Impressions<<
Solo exhibition at the Schlossökonomie Grabenstätt (Germany).
Dr. Koloman Wagner
Dechbettenerstr. 46
93049 Regensburg
0049 152 04087130
Koloman Wagner
Dechbettenerstr. 46
93049 Regensburg
☎ 0049 152 04087130
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